Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Weekend Escape...

...to Constanza!

Okay, this weekend we learned that if you sign up to go on the Linea Junior guagua to Constanza, they will call you at 4:30 am to confirm your seats. And they'll arrive at your door at 6:30 am, and will impatiently honk their horn (waking the entire neighborhood) until you finish your dishes and run downstairs to climb aboard. But the ride will be comfy and scenic, and the climb up the mountain will bring fresh air and the promise of a few days without sweating through your clothes. Here's a peek at our lovely weekend in Constanza!
We hiked up the mountainside to check out a hotel in the outskirts of town (it didn't work out but we got some got some great photos on our way back...). Constanza is a small farming community situated in a valley high in the mountains. In the 1950s Trujillo (the Dominican dictator at the time) essentially gave land to 50 Japanese families in the hopes that they would develop it into a thriving agricultural community. As the soil and climate provide a perfect setting for growing many crops, Constanza now supplies lots of fruits and veggies (and flowers) for the country.
These greenhouses are growing pepinos (cucumbers) and...we can't remember what else. The field below is habichuelas (beans) and tomates (no translation needed, right?). These guys were telling us all about the area. The little guy in the speedo was practicing his cannonballs into the water reservoir (which you can kind of see behind them).
Can anyone identify this bird for us? There were several in the field...they can fly...
These flowers were beeeeeeautiful!
We took around 1,000 photos of them, so if you want to see more, let us know.
Just to prove we were there, too...
Every evening, there are softball games at the local field. Here, the Indios (Constanza's team) are about to get destroyed by a much older and bigger team from Santo Domingo.
There was a chill (almost) in the air--hallelujah!
And Micah is so not happy about putting this last photo in...but we found a really nice old lady who cut his hair. For $2.50. And, she really thought he was looking spiffy after she slicked it back like this...we ran back to the hotel busting up and quickly documented his style (and then he undid it).
I think he looks great! (Hands off, ladies, he's mine!).

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