Wednesday, January 30, 2013

47 Weeks

Big week this week for the Dino Man, Sorenosauras.  He started ECFE classes on Monday nights, and swim classes on Wednesday nights! Both were a blast. ECFE for the new toys and small friends to play with (and apparently, he enjoyed the snacks as his teacher was quite amazed by how much he could eat...I didn't tell her we forgot to eat dinner before class so he may have eaten graham crackers for that meal...oh well, he survived).  His "water babies" swim class is at a local (warm! therapeutic!) pool and he nearly died and went to heaven when he realized what he was in for.  We thought he looked pretty sporty in his little one piece swim suit.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


 Favorite outfit and push cart.
 Do you have any mail, Soren? LOVES this game.
 Conductor at work.
His academic look.
 This was seriously not posed. He did this on his own.
Brrrrrrr go the cars in the street below. And watching for Dada to come home.

45 Weeks

Soren has been super cuddly this week. Every morning he wants to be held and have his back tickled.  I don't know if there is any better feeling in the world than having your baby put his head on your chest, say "mama" and pat your back.  He has decided to reciprocate the back rub, you see.  His version is slightly less gentle, but sweet nonetheless.  We have discovered that Soren is a smoothie monster this week, so we've been concocting all sorts of flavors. So far avocado, blueberry, banana, and orange juice win.  It's GOOD, try it! 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

First Steps

Soren took his first (unassisted) steps and we were quick and got some rough footage. Don't mind the bad lighting. He was so proud of himself and when he would trip he'd sit and throw his hands up in the air as if to say, "ta da!" Pretty cool trick, little bug.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

43 Weeks

We can't exactly remember when he started doing this, but Soren calls us by name now ("Dada" and "Mama"). When Micah gets home at night, Soren hears the keys in the doorway and starts to dance. I say, "Who's here, Soren?" and Soren yells "Dada!!" When I pick Soren up from his crib in the morning he hugs me and says "Mama."  But, when he is eating and he wants more food, it can be confusing. We use the word "más" (which is Spanish for "more") and if Soren is eating something he likes (eggs, spaghetti, cheese, peas, bananas, and yogurt are favorites right now) he yells "mamamamamama" and claps.  It makes me feel special.  Until I realize he's just hungry. :)