Saturday, August 15, 2009

The First Stop...Home

Hola from Santiago! We've made it to our new, sound, and...really sweaty. The travel proved easy (and the people kindly), as we lugged our 150 pounds of luggage from the airport to our apartment. Our first several days were spent exploring the city in an attempt to find the necessities, mainly food (preferrably street food, for Micah!), and cleaning supplies. These supplies were our good friends as we buffed this apartment from top to bottom.


This is the view from the top of our building, looking south towards "El Monumento". The breeze is sweet up here, and we'll soon be doing plenty of grilling in the evenings.


Now our place is spic, so we can show you around a bit. The living and dining room are connected, and here's the living room extending to the balcony. Opening these doors provides a nice breeze throughout the apartment, and it's fun to hear the sounds of our neighbors as their doors are open, too.


This is looking at the dining room and the doorway into the kitchen.


Now you're looking through the kitchen from the back of the house.


And if you turn around directly from where the last photo was taken, here's the laundry/utility room. The wall is open but there are little screens cemented into the holes. Do you like all that dirty laundry? We're working on it, bit by bit!


Here's the bedroom. It's very spacious, and connects to a large closet and a bathroom.


Instead of showing you a photo of the bathroom, we'll provide you something nicer...the view out the bathroom window. Our neighborhood is quiet, and colorful. The trees are filled with beautiful flowers, and there's an old man who walks the streets and yells "aguaaa-caaaates" which means avocados.


We've consequently reached a few of our goals already--we've eaten a mango and avocado every day since being here!


  1. Rebe and Micah!

    Matt and I are here jealously looking at your amazing apartment! So glad you made it safely and I LOVE the blog. I am going to subscribe to it along with my other blogs :) Can't wait to hear more updates and I'll definitely be thinking of you two as you start this new adventure.


  2. Glad you two made it safely. The apartment looks great - what you can't see in the photos, however, is the sap-your-energy HEAT!

    The blog is great!

  3. Hi Becky and Micah!

    The pictures look absolutely AMAZING! I better watch out! You guys are going to take my next job offer! :o I hope you two are loving the new camera!

    Miss you! And your blog ROCKS my socks off! :o)
