Saturday, September 14, 2013

18 Months

Soren is already 18 months are we are way overdue for a little upkeep on this blog. After a really great summer, we are settling into a new routine here in St. Paul, a routine which includes a new "school" for Soren.  This fall we moved him to a Montessori center that is close to my high school. We took these photos on his first day, when he was super excited to carry his "pack pack" with his lunch in it.  So far, we are super happy with the school and how Soren is transitioning to it.  The first week he cried for "mama" quite a lot at drop off. The second week, he whimpered as we walked in the door, stopped crying once we got into his room to peek into Marshmallow's (the class pet guinea pig) cage to see if he was awake, and by the time I got to the exit I could hear him cock-a-doodle-doodle-ing with his teacher (his new favorite noise).  Now, our little boy's done grown up. He switched from calling me "mama" to "mah-meeeee" and then...starting Friday...mum.  What?!  I am NOT ready to be "mum" yet. However, it was quite entertaining when he switched just this morning from "dada" to "dud."  Haha! Sorry Micah!  We are emphatically replying with "dad-deeeee" to make sure that one doesn't stick.

So Soren at 18 months is a really, really awesome kid. Ok, so we're biased. He says all sorts of silly things.  Currently he's really into colors and counting.  Particularly the colors blue and green ("bu" and "geen") and the numbers two and nine.  No clue why. Some of my favorite words that he says are: peeeese (please, with the sign language too), no noooooo! (oh no!), shhhhhhh (with the finger to the lips, to Papi usually), bao-bao (bobo which is the Dominican word for pacifier, which he says like a little British man), two-weeeee (one, two, three, wee for going down slides), DOWN! (yelled to himself after he stands up in his high chair and knows he shouldn't), and bebeeee (baby).

 He loves toy cars and trucks and also toy animals.  And real animals too.  He carries one or the other around pretty much all the time (see yellow bulldozer in photos above). His favorite toy horse often joins our meals (Soren shares) and tonight went in the bath. Often it ends up in the crib, too.  He likes lining up his train cars and can figure out which side of the magnet makes them stick together. He gets pretty mad when they fall off the track but he's getting a better handle on his frustration with that. Outside time is still the favorite, and any time we pass a playground he yells "PAY" (play) and claps his hands.  This child has no fear and will go down any slide. This has lead to many near heart-attacks for the parents of said child.  Micah built Soren a sweet water table and that has been a favorite outdoor activity all summer. Also, Soren still loves pushing the umbrella stroller or his lawn mower all over the West 7th neighborhood.  We're pretty famous in these parts for all the concrete mowing Soren has done.

At 18 months I think Soren's favorite foods would have to be cheeseburgers and pancakes (not eaten together....usually).  He also loves pluots and mangos.  And let's be honest, he also loves the cookies at church.  And DATES.  Still!

He's got all his teeth expect for the final 4 molars. And he brushes them often.  He's got 5 toothbrushes. What a hoarder!

All in all, these are good days.  We feel very, very lucky to get to spend them with this boy.

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