Wednesday, October 31, 2012

34 Weeks

Whoops, caught Soren in a moment for his 34 week photo. Feeling lucky that he's not too often in this mood!


Soren was a little bear for Halloween and he LOVED his costume. It had a really padded head piece so he could race around like his usual wild self and not even notice the head bumps. 
 We went to a little Halloween party with some friends and he thought his friend Abigail's dino costume was pretty cool.
 A dino, a bear, and a pumpkin.
 And the results of our 2nd Annual Residency Pumpkin Carving Party. Pretty impressive, right?!

New Orleans

We started the trip right: beignets and cafe au lait at Cafe du Monde the first morning.  They were really good.  And we accidentally ordered two plates of them.  And ate them all.  Whoops!
Lafayette Number 1 Cemetery tour in the Garden District.  We took a bus out to this area of town to see the mansions and the famous Magazine Street. Found out that "saved by the bell" means when you were buried but still alive, you could pull the string tied to your toe and a bell would ring.  Creepy.
 Music on Frenchman Street.
 And a bike taxi back to the hotel.
 Outdoor pool a little too chilly?  That's ok! Soren likes to swim in the bathtub, too.
After an amazing breakfast at the Old Coffee Pot Cafe, we spent the morning with residency friends at the New Orleans Aquarium.  That's Soren and his friend, Dexter, saying hello.
 Soren liked the fish as long as they were smaller than him. The sharks..not so much.
We were told we had to order a daiquiri to go.  So we complied.  These two beer drinkers found them surprisingly refreshing.
 At Jackson Square before our buggy ride.
And on a mule-drawn buggy ride through the French Quarter. Our mule was named Sideways "because she likes to go sideways." Says the driver as we pull away from the curb.
 Riding the street car!
 Listening to jazz at the French Market Cafe.  Soren practices his clapping.
 Adventure to City Park.
 And buying a beer at the walk-up bar from the local brewery.
Micah also attended some lectures at the Pediatrics conference while Soren & I got lost on Bourbon Street (thank goodness it was 8 in the morning).  New Orleans is a super fun city to visit!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

33 Weeks

New sounds! Soren makes a bbbbrrrrrr noise (the noise we make for trucks and what not) and also barks kind of like a dog (thanks, Papi!). 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Johnson Cousins

We had family in town to cheer on Auntie C for her first marathon (and she did GREAT!).  Cousins Kate & Luke were here, with their mama.  Nanna & Poppa were here, too, as well as our German friends Ole & Isabel for one afternoon. 
 Nanna J took these great photos of the cousins.
And, Soren got a new swing! We stayed up WAY to late making this, but we had fun.  This is a "Pinterest" find that Micah made happen for me.  He even sewed the swing part. It came out great and Soren loves it.  Kate does, too!

So big!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

32 Weeks

Soren rolled into 32 weeks of age in the Big Easy.  Stay tuned for a post on our little vacation!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

31 Weeks

 We've got some new tricks to report this week!  Soren can wave "bye bye" and also claps his hands when we say "yay!"  He is standing ALL the time, pulling himself up on all things--sturdy or otherwise.  This makes for a lot of bumped heads, but he doesn't seem deterred.  His favorite place to pull up is in the crib or at the bookshelf.   

Wednesday, October 3, 2012